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The S5 Vertical Accordion module is demonstrated on the left side of this page.

This module contains up to 10 module positions that appear in an accordion function so you can publish any of your favorite modules or custom html modules to one of the accordion slides and keep your site clean and consolidated while giving it a nice effect. This version of the module is customized specifically for this template and cannot be used with any other templates. We do have another version that can be used on any Joomla template.

The following is a quick list of features that are included with the module:

  • Responsive/Fluid layout
  • Set the width of the module
  • Onclick or Onmouseover trigger methods
  • Auto cycle or manual for transition
  • Set slide transition speed
  • Compatible with IE7+, Firefox, Opera 10.5+, Safari, Chrome

The Map it with Google module is displayed at the bottom of this page in the custom_5 position. Simply enter your address and the module uses the Google API to display a map with a marker to the address. A user simply clicks the marker and they are prompted with a popup box to get directions. Clicking "Get Directions" will take you to google maps with your business address already entered so all they have to do is enter their address to get directions. You can also specify the size of the map and whether or not to enable or disable certain controls.

The floating menu feature is a great way for your users to easily navigate your website! The floating menu will show at the top of your browser once the screen reaches a certain point. You can determine the exact point at which this occurs via the template specific area of Vertex. NOTE: This is a Vertex addition and is not guaranteed to work with all Vertex Templates. Some custom CSS may need to be adjusted per template. This feature is not supported by IE7/8.

Features at a glance:

  • Set a background image to the menu, gradient or solid color
  • Set to snap or smooth scroll in
  • Determine at which point as you scroll down your page that the menu drops in
  • and many more features, just check out the screenshot below

Admin area of the Floating Menu:

parallax menu admin


Tawich Development Corporation hosted the first ever in the history of the company an Expo called “Tawich Expo, 2017-Creating an Entrepreneurial Community” The one day and half event was held on March 23 and 24 at the community hall. We welcomed approximately 200 registered participants that included local community residents, local youth from the school and local businesses under Tawich Business Development Corporation, that included; Sibi Gas, Community Store, Laundromat Inc., Maquatua Inn and Creenet.

The companies under the umbrella of TDC included:

  • Tawich Construction Inc.
  • Wemindji Paving Inc.
  • Wolf Camp Corporation
  • Synee Drilling
  • WEMEX-Wemindji Exploration Inc.
  • VCC-Vieux Comptoir Construction Inc.
  • Tawich Distribution Inc.
  • KEPA Transport

Other invited companies/organizations that set up their booths/kiosks were CHRD and Goldcorp.

We also had the Cree Nation of Wemindji- Career Development Program, TDC’s Administration, TDC’s IT Dept. and Tourism Department with their own booths/kiosks.

The one– and half day agenda of events provided our participants with welcoming remarks and guest speakers and small informal presentations by each company/business to inform the participants on their goods and services and any employment opportunities they may have in the future for the youth. Our Master of Ceremonies, Mr. Joshua Iserhoff, who is always a pleasure to have in Wemindji. He provided us with his raw humor and engaged the participants with his wit and charisma.

Deputy Chief Frank Atsynia conducted the opening remarks and Tony Gull, President of TDC, delivered the welcoming address. Our featured guest speakers were Youth Chief, Justin Otter. Former member of the group CerAmony, Matthew A. Iserhoff, spoke about the importance of family when pursuing your dreams. His presentation was inspiring and I am sure resonated with many in attendance, we had a packed house during his presentation, which was great timing as the students from the high school took one of their periods to join us that first afternoon.

The participants also had the opportunity to gather various promotional items from the booths/kiosks to take home with them such items included pens, water bottles and many, many more! Awesome door prizes and gifts were given out throughout the event that were donated by all participating businesses and companies. The Expo also involved an evening dinner and entertainment that included Howie Miller a renowned Aboriginal Comedian who hails from Edmonton, Alberta. In addition, performances by Matthew A. Iserhoff and Pakesso Mukash and his traditional dancers. The spectacle lasted a couple of hours, which provided some real great entertainment for the audience.

Our speakers for the last day included TDC Vice-President, Danny Tomatuk who delivered the opening remarks. The special presentation by Tawich Distribution on the last day included a display of their line of products by using local models who all did a great job! TDI and their products are a smashing success and have recently displayed their products at an international event held in Montreal last month.

In closing the Expo 2017, Christina Gilpin, TDC CEO provided a speech to thank and recognize all who had a part in making our very first ever Expo a success by providing everyone with small tokens of appreciation. Mr. Tony Gull-TDC President provided closing remarks and mentioned that TDC will deliver this type of event on an annual basis to display our successes and opportunities to our local community members.

Holly Danyluk

Corporate Strategy Manager, TDC


The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only.

The information is provided by Tawich Development Corporation and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.